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Restaurants and Bar Flooring


We manufacture ultra-durable, seamless flooring solutions engineered specifically for the food and beverage industry. These resinous floor coatings are easy to clean and maintain and offer a variety of design options. Benefits include, thermal shock resistance, seamless flooring, anti-microbial, slip-resistant, USDA, FDA and CIFA acceptable.


  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Thermal shock resistance
  • Seamless flooring
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-slip even when wet or contaminated with oil or grease
  • USDA, FDA and CIFA acceptable
  • Slip resistance with adjustable coefficient of friction ranges
  • Stain resistant to acids, oils, juices, petrochemicals, cleaning chemicals, etc.
  • Vertical options for wall protection in kitchen and restrooms

Typical areas of use include, but are not limited to:

  • Interior and exterior dining areas
  • Bars and taprooms
  • Entryways and waiting areas
  • Kitchens
  • Freezers and cold storage
  • Dry storage areas
  • Restrooms